Monday, February 28, 2011

WHY Can't They Just Tell Us WHY?


WHY do we have a Deputy Superintendent plus 4 Chairs when Onteora with as high a certified population as ours has one Director of Pupil Personnel and 3 chairs?

WHY do we have a Director of Technology when most other schools in our County do not? Who would do the job if this position was cut? Are these people doing this anyway?

WHY do we have 2 Assistant Principles in both Middle and High School when the other schools in our County have none or one per Middle or High School?

WHY doesn't the BOE tell the Administration that they need to do an audit of their positions?

WHY doesn't the BOE apply the same zero sum approach to the administration that they are doing for the rest of the jobs?

WHY are all these really high paying administrative jobs more important that the teachers and teaching assistants?

WHY wouldn't the administration want to show us on paper how necessary each of these high paying positions are and what would happen should any get cut?

I firmly believe if we are provided thorough, intelligent, and FACTUAL information answering all of these questions, we could move ahead. WHY can't we be provided with these answers?

I am not saying these positions all must go. I am just wondering why the administration is not cooperating in making it clear WHY these positions are completely necessary and could not possibly be cut or reduced or combined when so many people are walking around and asking WHY, WHY, WHY???


  1. I have lived here a long time and I do not appreciate your attitude or position on this issue. How come you have not posted your salary? How come you have not posted the highest teachers' salaries? How come you have not compared the number of aides and assistants RV has to other districts? Have you looked at the Strategic Plan that made these changes? Have you spent as much time complaining to the politicians? You are tearing this community apart when we need to work together. You are not being honest with your information.

  2. Dear Sara,

    Thank you for reading my blog. Hopefully you have read more than just this single post. My salary is not posted as my position has nothing to do with this budget. As a state employee is it publicly available, considerably lower than every administrator and currently at risk just like every other public employee in New York. I strongly support you in that we must explore all areas of the budget to see where concessions should be made and we must be working to encourage our State representative to play an active role in helping our schools. As for tearing our community apart, I assure you that I am far from the only person in our district who feels that the administration appears top heavy. I only (honestly) present the information we are given. Perhaps you feel threatened by this post because you are or are close to an administrator. If that is the case, please know that by advocating for an audit I am not calling for a lynch mob. It is completely reasonable for the administration to consider concessions it can make. It is also reasonable to ask for an audit. They are completing one in New Paltz now and their administration is smaller. If any position (such as yours perhaps) is vital for the district then it should by no means be cut.
