Friday, March 4, 2011

A New Look at Wednesday's Presentation?

From my take on the flaws pointed out at Wednesday's meeting. It seems that this is what we have to work with (put on your reading glasses the type is small in places)


  1. While I appreciate your creativity, this data presentation makes me question your integrity. It also leads me to wonder if you are this comfortable manipulating data in your professional work.

    If you believe that is appropriate to remove actual classrooms from existence because of the possibility of a window breaking at some undetermined future time, what other creative changes are you willing to make to further your personal agenda?

  2. Thanks for reading my blog. You are more than welcome to point out errors in my review of the data. I welcome corrections as no one is infallible. That said, the suggestion to have a spare classroom was not mine. Rather, it came from a member of the advisory committee who articulated that there should be 1-2 spare rooms per building. I added the example of a broken window as this did happen to one of the kindergarten classes a couple of years ago from a rock when the lawn was mowed outside.

    My agenda is not hidden so I am more than happy to explain the source of my thoughts. Thanks again for seeking clarification. I hope this helped.
