There was a transportation update where the computer generated estimates somehow resulted in 6 extra buses (than we now use) in our 3 school current model. It did other weird things. Gloria admitted that she did not use the computer to do this sort of thing. Discussion ensued as to whether transportation information should be added into savings or not. It looks like it will be taken out with a note from Gloria (explaining what? I am not sure.
There was an estimate or the cost of moving. They added $67,376 as a cost but never answered what happens to all of the items that do not get moved to a school. Apparently it will sit in the empty building and rot along with the building.
There was a presentation of cost savings. If you hear that it is a 1.7 million dollar savings to close a school don't take that at face value. PLEASE KNOW this is based on projections that do not necessarily consider the real staffing needs of school that will have over 100 kids more in each. They also exclude unexpected costs in renovations related the move. We do not know the real savings.
The group discussed class sizes next. Based on the lowest enrollment projection we would see classes of 22-27 including inclusion if they closed a school. Most seemed to agree that this was too high - it would hurt teaching, learning, special needs. This is the strongest argument on the table. Two schools simply can't handle current or projected enrollments without having class sizes well over 25.
Yet when asked, Gail, president of the BOE said, "I am feeling encouraged about the consolidation." Huh? Have you been listening Gail or did you decide this before this group met and you plan to stay encouraged no matter what the advisory group reports?
Tomorrow is a BOE Budget meeting. The BOE will NOT have the advisory report yet. Still feel free to tell them that you will not stand for these excessively large classrooms. Feel free to plug the consolidation of the district administration while you are there as well.. Just over 8 years ago we had 5 people in the district now there are 10? I used to count transportation but I just learned it is not an administration position.
On March 15th at 7:30 the advisory committee's thoughts will be presented to and discussed by the BOE. Definitely come to that if you can.
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